A Birthday Blessing
(suitable as a message in a birthday card)
May happiness and love encircle this day,
And every blessing from heaven come your way.
May the warmth of loved ones lift your heart,
And your cup overflow with the love they impart.
May fond memories bring you great joy and peace,
And hope fill your sails with the promise you seek.
But most of all, may you truly know,
How you’re treasured and loved wherever you go.
(prayer by Julie Palmer copyright © 2019 www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Happy Birthday Prayer Poem
for a precious son or daughter
(suitable as a prayer blessing for a birthday card)
It is such a joy to remember your birthday,
And celebrate all you are.
We hoped and we prayed to have a child
And we were given you, our little star.
You've shone into our lives and brought
Such happiness and delight.
Making us so very thankful,
You're so funny, kind and bright.
We've watched you grow every day
So proud of all you do.
And tried to gently guide and care,
We really do love you.
And so we pray now, giving thanks,
And praise on this special day.
We hope you'll know how wonderful
You are in every way.
(a rhyming birthday prayer poem from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

A Birthday Prayer for My Daughter
O my beloved daughter
You fill me with such pride.
I love you to the moon and back
You are my great delight.
O my beautiful daughter
You shine with love and life.
I adore your special ways
I know your future is bright.
O my precious daughter
On this your special day,
I remember the miracle of your birth
And every year of blessing you gave.
O my wonderful daughter
Be blessed from heaven above
May contentment and joy be yours
Happy birthday my love!
(a prayer poem from www.lords-prayer-words.com)
The perfect blessing to send to a loved one on their birthday:-
Birthday Prayer for my mom
Mom you’re a treasure,
I cannot count the ways that you’ve blessed us, day in and day out.
Mom you’re so precious,
We hope that you know
You’re valued and cherished wherever we go.
Mom, may your birthday be special like you
You deserve every treat,
We really love you!
(a family birthday blessing from www.lords-prayer-words.com)
A Birthday Prayer for My Son
O my beloved son
You fill my life with joy.
I love you more than words could say
You are treasure whom I enjoy.
O my handsome son
You glow with strength and life.
I adore your special ways
I know your future is bright.
O my precious son
On this your special day,
I remember the miracle of your birth
And every year of blessing you gave.
O my wonderful son
Be blessed from heaven above
May contentment and joy be yours
Happy birthday my love!
(a prayer poem from www.lords-prayer-words.com)
Birthday Prayer for a Friend
Lord, we feel so privileged to know (name). Thank you for all that he/she is and is becoming in You. Thank you that you knit him/her together in their mother's womb, and that you have created (name) as unique, special and deeply loved.
Our prayer is that you would bless this birthday, may it be a day to remember and cherish. May (name) enjoy it to the full, and revel in the excitement! And may this be a fortaste of their year to come - one that is abundant in happiness, overflowing in blessings, and great in adventure.
We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
(a birthday blessing from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

(A traditional Episcopal prayer)
O God, our times are in your hand:
Look with favor, we pray, on your servant N. as he begins another year.
Grant that he may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen his trust in your goodness all the days of his life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Source: 1979 Book of Common Prayer, Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA)
Short Birthday Prayer for Dad
Dear dad, may this day be as special as you.
Full of kindness, patience and joy.
With sweet memories to dwell on
And plans for a future so bright.
May there be greetings from those who love you
And great blessings to lift your heart.
Dear dad, may this day be as special as you.
You are one in a million, you are a star.
(prayer from www.lords-prayer-words.com)
My Own Birthday Prayer
(a birthday prayer for myself)
Father, thank you for today
For all the cards and gifts
All the tokens of love that remind me of how I am loved and appreciated.
Today I remember that you are my creator and sustainer
In you I live and move and have my being
I thank you for your faithfulness and care through the years
I commit this birthday to You
May I honour You as You have given to me
This special day and each day of my life
I want to know You more
Take 'time out' to be with You more
and love You more.
(my own birthday prayer from www.lords-prayer-words.com)
A Happy Birthday Prayer Message
(suitable for a birthday card or service)
May our God bless you today
and each day that follows
May you hear his voice
Follow His footsteps
Be comforted by His care
And live in His grace
Now and forever
(a birthday message from www.lords-prayer-words.com)