Prayer for a Job Interview
Attending an interview can be a stressful experience. Thankfully we have a God who promises to never desert us or abandon us, and offers us a peace that "surpasses all understanding" (Phil 4:7). This page contains three prayers that you can say before entering the interview room, and a short film you can watch to help calm your mind and receive this precious gift of peace. If you have a relative or friend who is currently seeking work, there are also specific prayers for husbands/boyfriends and daughters/sons. You may wish to say a simple prayer after the job interview has taken place, and there is also a powerful prayer in the bible (the famous "Prayer of Jabez") which you can use to ask for a job offer.
A Prayer For A Job Interview
(a short prayer to say before the interview)
Dear Lord,
Help me to give of my best today in this interview.
Wrap me in your loving arms when I feel insecure.
Hold me in your steady embrace when I feel nervous.
Help me to understand the questions I am asked,
And answer in a honest and inspired way.
In the interview, I pray you would show me if this is the right job for me.
I am your servant and I seek to do your will on this earth.
Lead me in your paths and guide me into all truth.
I ask all this in the beautiful name of Jesus
My Saviour and friend.
(a prayer for a successful job interview from
Prayer for a New Job Interview
Dear Father,
Thank you that you are with me and I am safe in you.
I place this job interview into your wise hands.
Help me to walk without fear into this challenge,
Lord, may my skills, attitude and enthusiasm shine out.
I ask for the presence of your Spirit in the interview room,
Come guide and direct my paths, my words and my answers.
Thank you that you are with me always.
(a prayer to say before a job interview from
Prayer for Job interview for my Husband or Boyfriend
Heavenly Father, you walk with us daily and know the intricacies of our situation, our financial needs and our hopes and dreams. We ask now that you would open new doors of stable employment for my husband/ partner. Lord, may you lead him into the right work where he can use all his existing skills and knowledge to serve others and earn money. Please protect him from any employment which would only bring stress and difficulty, or just be there for the short term. Lord, we trust that you will lead him to a safe, secure, and fulfilling career. Please watch over our finances as we navigate this uncertain time. Come protect our relationship, and help us to work as a team. Lord, we commit all we have to you - our home and possessions, our skills and talents, our hearts and our minds. We rest in your provision now in Jesus’ name. Amen.
(a prayer for my husband or partner from
Prayer for Job interview for my Daughter or Son
Dear Lord,
Thank you for watching over my son/daughter and for leading them and guiding them through their education. Please be with them now as they seek to find the right employment where they can find security and fulfilment. Lord, I place them in your tender care. You know all they have to offer: their knowledge, skills, attributes, and passions. Please lead them to a job opportunity that would fulfil them and watch over them as they apply and interview. Lord, keep them safe as they search for the most suitable work. Please cover their finances and fill them with hope and vision for the future. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
(a prayer for my child from
Prayer for a friend going for a Job Interview
Father God, I lift my friend to you as they go for their job interview. I pray that it would bring them great financial stability and fulfilment. Lord, as they offer their skills, knowledge, and service to you, please bless them during this meeting. May their talents and giftings be clearly seen by those who interview him/her and may your favour rest on them. Come fill their hearts with great hope for the future as they pursue their dreams. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
(a prayer for a friend from
Prayer After a Job Interview
Thank you, God, that you have been with me today in this interview. I offer you all I have spoken and the answers I have given in front of these people. May all the good and wise things I have said resound in their minds and hearts. Come bless them as they seek to judge wisely who they should employ. Amen.
(a short prayer to say after the interview has taken place from