lords prayer words - traditional and contemporary prayers

Call to Worship Prayers

Featured on this page are several prayers to help when preparing for a service or church event, with four short prayers suitable for saying before worship. There is an inspiring call to worship prayer, an example of a contemporary invocation prayer, and an uplifting opening prayer. There is also a beautiful film for leading a congregation into a period of adoration and worship, and some great quotes from the Psalms to read for inspiring people in praise and thanksgiving.

Today we thank and praise you

(an inspirational call to worship prayer to say at the beginning of a church service)

Father, we thank and praise you for the life you have so richly given us. Thank you for the incredible blessing of being your sons and daughters. Thank you for the intricate and beautiful creations you have made us to be. Lord, we give you all that we are and ask that we might engage with your Spirit today.

We lift our hearts that you might fill them with new love.
We lift our minds that you would pour fresh hope into our thinking.
We lift our souls that they may bathe in your grace.
We lift our hands and our voices to sing your praises, to worship and adore you our Lord, our great Creator.

Today we offer you our whole being in worship.


(a prayer of worship by Julie Palmer © 2023 www.lords-prayer-words.com)

King David's Prayer of Thanks

An image to inspire worship from Psalm 138

Harvest Thanks Prayer

Invocation Prayer Example

Almighty God,

As we stand in awe of your goodness and mercy today, we invite you to be present amongst us by the power of your Holy Spirit. Father, we declare that we love you. Thank you that you have made the way of love known through your son Jesus Christ. We pray that you would reveal this great love to us all today as we gather to worship. Lead us by your Spirit to praise you. May our hearts overflow with thanksgiving and our mouths proclaim your everlasting greatness.

In the wonderful name of Jesus we pray,


(a sample invocation prayer from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Prayer of praise and adoration

My heart is filled with adoration
When I lift my eyes to you.
For you are Lord of all creation,
You make all things new.

My soul is filled with lasting peace
When I close my eyes to sleep.
For you are Lord, you're right beside me
I'm safe within your keep.

My mind is filled with inspiration
When I open my eyes anew.
For you are hope and love outspoken,
Your words are full of truth.

My life is full of aspiration
When I see through eyes that weep.
For you are Lord of the grand and broken,
May I be your hands and feet.

(a contemporary prayer of praise from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Click here to read more inspiring worship prayers, including some beautiful words from the Psalms.

Opening Prayer

A beautiful short prayer suitable for playing before beginning church worship:-

Praise in the Psalms

An uplifting verse from the psalms suitable for reading before worship begins:-

Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come to him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise to him.

Psalm 95:1-2, (NLT)

The psalms are littered with marvellous prayers calling on God in worship. Here are a just few… Psalm 66:1-4, Psalm 139, Psalm 63:1-5, Psalm 27:4-5

Psalm 139

An inspiringly read Psalm which recalls God's everlasting presence and care of us:-

Opening Prayer for Worship or a Church Service

Dear Lord and Father,

Thank you that you promise us that where two or three are gathered you are there in the midst.
Lord we welcome You amongst us today and celebrate the gift of life that you have lavished upon each of us.
We ask that You would open our ears so that we may hear your voice.

Open our minds so that we may receive Your eternal wisdom.
Open our spirits so that we may know Your leading and guidance.
And open our hearts so that we may receive Your wonderful love.

We ask all this in the glorious name of Jesus.


(a opening prayer for a worship meeting from www.lords-prayer-words.com)