Prayer for Loneliness
Are you lonely or in despair? On this page are a collection of inspiring prayers to gently lift your heart and soul heavenwards. Here there are prayers for the lonely, those who are seeking love, and a prayer for those who feel depressed. Be encouraged as you read these words of life.
A Prayer For Overcoming Loneliness
Dear God,
I feel alone.
Please bring the warmth of relationships into my life.
Please cover my thoughts with hope.
Please send your love into my heart.
I know you are alive in all I experience.
May the birdsong speak to my soul,
May the trees remind me of life,
May the bread I eat nourish my soul with its goodness,
As I connect with the world around me.
I give thanks for all those who love me,
For all those who care.
Help me to receive your hope in my heart,
To embrace your life flowing in mine.
I know I live and breathe as part of your family
And dwell safely in you.
I know you understand me.
I am not alone.
(a prayer for overcoming loneliness from
This scripture gently reminds us that we are never alone, for the Lord is ever present with us:-
A prayer for when life is desperate
(for those in despair or depression)
I feel lost.
Find me Lord, pull back the wreckage of my life so that I can breathe again.
I feel abandoned.
Embrace me Lord, cover my wounds with your healing love so that I might stand restored.
I feel trapped.
Cut the chains Lord, release me from the weights that drag me down. Come bring your freedom and hope.
I am desperate, yet I seek you God, the one who conquered the darkness,
The one who rose from death, the one who said, “follow me”!
I will follow the brightness of your love.
Even when it is all but a distant glimmer
I will fix my eyes open it.
I feel lost, yet I am found in that light.
I feel abandoned, yet you are besides me.
I feel trapped, yet you call me to freedom.
I feel desperate, yet you lead me to peace.
I draw near to you Lord Jesus.
(a prayer for help from
A simple prayer reminding us that God's light and warmth are with us through the night:-
A prayer to find a love relationship
Abba Father,
Before a word is on my lips you know each thought, each tear,
each joy you see.
For I'm your cherished child.
I find it hard to comprehend the extent of your love.
And I know I rarely see myself the way that you see me.
Lord, you know my heart, you know I long for love.
My search is for that special friend.
For intimacy, for friendship.
For someone to depend on.
I know you watch me proudly
As I live each day, each moment.
Please cause my path to cross with someone
You'd like me to be with.
Guide my heart to take your hand,
To hope and trust in you.
Help me to be patient,
Until I meet somebody who you know will be
A perfect match for me.
I am sure, you want the best for this your child.
(a contemporary prayer for someone to love from