Prayer for Success
Lord, I earnestly seek after You
I seek Your kingdom, Your will
That heaven may come to earth
And Your presence would be known by all
I lay my plans before You
Please rearrange them as You see fit
See if there is any corrupt way within me
And lead me in the everlasting way
I give you the desires of my heart
My ambitions and my schemes
I surrender them wholly to You
Please anoint them for Your purposes and glory
I give You my whole being
My giftings and my character
Come sharpen my skills and transform my heart
This day and every day
(a modern prayer for success from

Prayer for Work Success
(a prayer for someone to achieve great things in their job)
Dear God,
I do not see my work as a job, as simply a means to an end. I believe that you have called me into this vocation. So I work for you. Lord of all, I seek to build your Kingdom in all that I do. Guide me each day to give of my best, may I inspire excellence and change. Father, I ask that your goodness and great creativity would come into each moment. Lead me onwards, envision and equip me I pray. I open my heart up to you and invite your Holy Spirit to lead me now.
In the name of Jesus. Amen.
(a prayer for work from
Prayer for Success in Life
(a blessing for a friend or loved one)
May peace be yours, peace with your friends, with family and with neighbour.
May hope be present, hope in your dreams, in hardest times, and never waver.
May faith be rising, faith lift your soul, a fresh new gift each day.
May love be flowing, love bless your life, always cherished and ever safe.
May Christ be yours, Christ in your soul, a guiding leading light.
May grace abound, grace that saves, may it fill your sails with promise bright.
(a modern blessing prayer from
Lord, you know the anxiety that I'm feeling right now
Please calm my spirit
Come and still my nerves
For the questions I am about to be given
Help me to read them slowly and correctly
Come and flood my heart with Your peace
For the words I am about to write
Help me to recall everything fully
Come and inspire my mind as I gather my thoughts
For the examiners who read my work
Help them to mark with justice and fairness
Come and refresh them, please bless their lives
I give all these prayers to You
And ask that this day you would give me the success that my heart desires
For Your kingdom and glory
(A prayer for exams from
Prayer for Interview Success
Dear Father God,
I give you my aspirations and hopes to get this job.
Please be with me in the interview.
Calm my nerves, bring clarity to my mind and wisdom to my answers.
Help those who are interviewing me to see the real me, to notice my skills and enthusiasm and make wise judgements.
Thank you that you believe in me and cheer me on as I seek this new employment.
May I always bring your truth and light into this beautiful world.
In Jesus name,
(an interview prayer from
short prayer for success in business
Lord I give you my business
May it be filled with Your values, Your justice, Your goodness
May it shine with Your success
And be fruitful in this season