lords prayer words - traditional and contemporary prayers

Prayer for Worry

This page features a number of prayers to help when you find anxiety and stress have taken hold of your mind, with a prayer to receive God's peace when you are overwhelmed with worry, and a prayer (in the form of a video) for strength and hope to return. There is also a prayer to aid against anxiety, and a traditional prayer for quiet confidence.

Prayer for Worry

(a prayer to receive God’s peace during periods of anxiety and fear)

O Lord of my heart, I draw near to you,
For my heart’s become heavy with fear.
I carry it round like a blanket that smothers,
It crushes out life and just weighs me with tears.

O Lord of my heart, I name and give you,
Each fragment of worry I carry, each stone of regret that I hold.
And know as I pass these things into your hands,
They’re finished, their dust, they are small grains of sand.

For Jesus you took every weight, every sin,
Every darkness, and sorrow on you.
Lord, you were crucified for the fall of each man,
Then redeemed and restored you came back to life.

So I draw near to you, let my heart become free,
Light with love flowing into my soul.
For I carry your spirit around within me,
Your hope and your joy, yes you make me whole!

So moment by moment, and hour by hour,
Every day I will travel with you.
For all that my heart needs is your hope and love,
And all that my soul needs is your grace and truth.

You are my heavenly father,
You are my heavenly home,
The light that’s before me, and the life that’s within.
So I trust in you, in you alone.

(a prayer for worry from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

A Prayer for Strength and Hope

An uplifting prayer which asks for God's strength to come when life is difficult:-

Prayer for Anxiety

Prayer for Anxiety and Worry

Prayer for worry and stress

Loving Father,

I confess my great feelings of anxiety, sometimes the intensity of my stress is overwhelming. I know in my mind that you are with me, I know that your love encompasses all that I feel, that your peace fills me when I submit these things to you. So I draw near to you. Please still the circles of my thoughts. Help me to take each one captive now and allow your great love and grace to cover me.

Lord, I lay before you all the circumstances I face and ask for your Spirit to move in these things to bring change, healing and restoration.
Thank you that you are the one in whom I shelter, you are the home in which I rest and you are the arms of love around me.

I love you.


(a prayer to help calm fears from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

post s prayer for healing
post your prayer for healing here

Read more prayers to help calm anxiety including a prayer to receive God's peace in a stressful situation.

Prayer For Quiet Confidence

O God of peace, who hast taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and in confidence shall be our strength: By the might of thy Spirit lift us, we pray thee, to thy presence, where we may be still and know that thou art God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(source: Book of Common Prayer, 1979 version, Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA.)