First Day of School Prayer
This page features several encouraging prayers for children who are about to start in education, with a first day of school prayer and a prayer for anxious parents as they release their son or daughter into elementary or primary school life. There is also a simple prayer for your child to say and an uplifting request to God for family protection.
First day of school prayer
(a parent's prayer)
Heavenly Father,
We give you our hopes, worries and fears as our lovely child starts school.
We pray that you would fill their hearts with excitement and calm their worries with your love.
Please go before them, help them make friends, enjoy the activities and build relationships with their teachers and carers.
May we learn to entrust them each day into your care, and as we do may they grow in confidence and independence.
Father, may joy abound in their hearts as they enter this new exciting season of their lives.
In Jesus name.
(a prayer for parent's from
School Prayer
a simple prayer for children to say as they start school:-

A Parent's Prayer
(A prayer for an anxious mother or father as their child begins school)
Dear Lord,
We thank you for the depth of the love we have for our child. However, we find it hard to let him (her) go, to trust him into another’s care. Yet we know that they are your child too, that your Holy Spirit goes before them, that you are encircling them daily. Please help us to support and nurture their freedom, their independence and individuality. Please be with them to bring reassurance where there are nerves, to bring courage where there is anxiety, and joy where there is sadness. May his heart be free to enjoy learning and playing each day.
Thank you for being with our family. We ask for your blessing on us all in this new season of our lives.
In the name of Jesus we pray,
(a contemporary prayer from
A prayer for children starting school
(a short prayer for young children to say)
Dear Jesus,
Please help me as I start my new school
To feel at home,
To make new friends,
To play games,
Learn new things
And enjoy each day.
(a children's prayer from
click here to read more inspiring prayers for children to say
Teach your children right from wrong,
and when they are grown they will still do right.
Proverbs 22:6, (CEV)
Prayer for family protection
Lord be besides us, all every day
Guiding and leading us gently always.
Lord be above us, help us to see
The hope of the future, of all we could be.
Lord be beneath us, carry us when
We’re too shattered or tired to really have strength.
Lord be ahead of us, smoothing our paths
Protecting and blessing the places we pass.
Lord be behind us, healing our wounds,
Forgiving our mistakes and making us new.
Jesus, be within us, this family is yours
Now and forever, you are our Lord.
(a family prayer from
An uplifting prayer for school children to read and follow:-