lords prayer words - traditional and contemporary prayers

Prayer for Fear

for a prayer for fear - a quote from the bible

There is a remarkable promise in the bible - God is with us! This is true no matter where we are and whatever we are thinking and feeling, for it is written "I will never leave you nor forsake you" (Hebrews 13:5 ESV). When we are gripped by fear God's presence can reach our deepest troubles. As you pray the following prayers, allow him to embrace you and comfort you with his love. The first prayer is a request for help in overcoming fear. This is followed by a short video meditation on receiving God's peace to calm your mind and being. There is also a copy of the famous prayer of David "The Lord is My Shepherd" which reminds us God is with us always – even in our most anxious and uncertain hours, his rod and staff protect us.

A prayer for overcoming fear

Dear Father,

My heart and mind are flooded with fears.
Sometimes I am paralysed, I feel unable to go on.
These fears are overwhelming, they remain with me day and night.
Yet I hold onto your truth.
You have told us not to fear, for you have overcome the world.
So I cling to you, I trust in your promises, that you will never fail me, never forsake me.
In moments of such crippling fear,
I choose to hold your hand.
I know you have experienced the most fearful places,
I know that you have risen again.

In you all promises meet and new life begins.
You are my Saviour,
I hide in you,
Protected by your love,
And sheltered by your grace.
My Father.


(a prayer to help overcome fear and anxiety from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

You may also want to ask God for his strength in overcoming your fears and worries. Click here for more prayers that you may find useful.

A Meditation on God's Peace

You may now like to take a moment to receive God's peace in your heart. The following is a short meditation on resting in the goodness and peace of God:-

The Lord Is My Shepherd

The famous prayer of King David who declared that he would "fear no evil" because God was with him, even during the hardest times:-
The Lord Is My Shepherd words with picture of a beautiful valley

Prayer For Quiet Confidence

O God of peace, who hast taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and in confidence shall be our strength: By the might of thy Spirit lift us, we pray thee, to thy presence, where we may be still and know that thou art God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(source: Book of Common Prayer, 1979 version, Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA.)

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