This page has several prayers for those who are currently suffering with cancer. If you know a friend with cancer, the first prayer can be used in intercession for them (see image above). There is also a prayer for healing of breast cancer (this petition may also be used for other specific forms of this illness such as lung or brain cancers). Further down this page is an Episcopal prayer for where it may be appropriate to lay hands on the sick person and ask for healing, and a short prayer for a cancer patient.
Dearest Father, thank you that you love us and minister to us by your Spirit released into our hearts by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. You are Lord of Heaven and Earth, the creator of all and the giver of life. You renew the Earth and every heartbeat and breath comes from you. So, I lift those battling with cancer to you and I pray for them now. Help me to be a channel to bring your healing touch here on Earth.
Lord, I trust in your name, the highest name, holy, true and just. I pray out the cancer cells, the imbalanced growth and illness in the name of Jesus. I remain in your promises, I await your touch and I long for your intervention. Thank you that you are powerful and mighty. One word from you brings transformation and nothing is outside of your authority and amazing love. I declare to the powers of darkness that Jesus is alive! Thank you that he has triumphed over all darkness with healing in his wings.
In the name of the most wonderful! Amen.
(prayer from Jesus, I declare in your name that cancer will not steal this life, there will be restoration and healing! I proclaim freedom from cancer cells, I pray against their multiplication and growth and from the transference of these cells to different areas of the body. I prophesy a new balance. I command the cells that have grown in the wrong place to diminish, to fade and to vanish into nothing.
I sing out life over and through the body of my friend. May light fill their minds, may hope fill their thoughts and may your love expand in their hearts. I know that you died and rose again so that cancer could be overcome, that it was taken to the cross and left there. I wait, holding my dear friend in prayer, focused on you my Saviour, expectant and in faith!
I pray all this in your glorious name. Amen.
(prayer from of Heaven, I rest underneath your mighty wings of love. I dwell within your gentle heart. I know there is healing in your touch. Through the sufferings of Christ I can ask for restoration and trust in your goodness. You are my Lord, my Saviour, my healer and my friend. I dwell within your gentle embrace. Amen.
(a short Christian prayer for healing from short (2.30min) film with a contemporary prayer asking for God's restoration to come:-
Following this exhortation from the letter of James, it may also be appropriate to ask the leaders of your church to anoint you (or whoever it is that is suffering from cancer) with oil and lay hands on you. Here is an Episcopal prayer for the laying on of hands and healing:-
N., I lay my hands upon you in the Name of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, beseeching our Lord Jesus
Christ to sustain you with his presence, to drive away all
sickness of body and spirit, and to give you that victory of life
and peace which will enable you to serve him both now and
evermore. Amen.
(Source: 1979 Book of Common Prayer, Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA)
(a prayer for a friend from
Heavenly Father,
Please hold me close at this time of uncertainty.
Remind me of your promises when I am feeling overwhelmed.
Whisper words of love when I feel alone.
Lie me down in peace when I am weary.
Give all who care for me great waves of wisdom.
Lead me through this journey singing songs of hope over my life.
Quiet my soul as I face the surgery and treatment of this breast cancer.
Come quell the fears that I have, and fill my heart and mind with your everlasting love.
(a contemporary prayer for healing from
Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.
James 5:14, (NIV)
(a Christian prayer for healing from