lords prayer words - traditional and contemporary prayers

Prayers to find love

Featured below are four modern prayers to help in finding a partner, and for marriage. The first prayer reflects on how God knows each of us intimately and understands the deep longing of our hearts. It concludes with a request for God's guidance and patience in seeking a boyfriend or girlfriend to love. The second prayer is a short petition for God's leading to find the right person to cherish and marry. There is also a print of the famous "Serenity Prayer" for wisdom and courage, and prayer asking for clarity and direction from God.

A prayer to find a love relationship

Abba Father,

Before a word is on my lips you know each thought, each tear,
each joy you see.
For I'm your cherished child.
I find it hard to comprehend the extent of your love.
And I know I rarely see myself the way that you see me.
Lord, you know my heart, you know I long for love.

My search is for that special friend.
For intimacy, for friendship.
For someone to depend on.
I know you watch me proudly
As I live each day, each moment.

Please cause my path to cross with someone
You'd like me to be with.
Guide my heart to take your hand,
To hope and trust in you.
Help me to be patient,
Until I meet somebody who you know will be
A perfect match for me.
I am sure, you want the best for this your child.

(a contemporary prayer for someone to love from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

click here for prayers for clarity and direction, including insight into how we can hear from God in our lives.

Prayer to find a husband or wife

Dear Lord,

I ask that you would walk closely with me each day.
You know the desire of my heart to meet someone special,
To marry and devote my love to another.

So I ask that you would lead my footsteps.
Take my hand and lead me as I look for love.
May I find a partner with whom I can share the rest of my life.
Help me to live life to the full with hope in my heart for the future.


(a prayer to find true love and marry from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Serenity Prayer

a printable image of this famous prayer for wisdom and courage:- Serenity Prayer Poster - Serenity, Courage and Wisdom

read the full version of this beautiful prayer by clicking here.

Real Love

A short and inspiring reflection on the nature of Christian love:-

Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love

Albert Einstein

Prayer for Clarity
May your words be like a lamp that lights my way.
May your love be like a compass that gives me direction.
May your truth be like a signpost bringing clarity.
May your peace be like a measure that guides my decisions.
May your hope be like a flag that declares I walk with you.
May your words be in my mind,
Your love guide my feet,
Your truth be a sign,
Your peace be a measure,
And your hope be a flag,
As I walk close to you at this time.


(a prayer for clarity from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

read prayers for peace of heart and mind with inspiring Catholic, Celtic and modern prayers and reflections.