Prayer for Our Troubled World
Gathered together on this page are several inspiring intercessions for our afflicted planet. There is a moving prayer for our troubled world, a prayer for justice to come to impoverished lands, and a prayer for the poor and neglected in society. May God guide and lead you as you pray for God's hope and restoration to come into the midst of despair and desolation.
A prayer for our troubled world
(a prayer for those who are experiencing conflict or hardship)
We join our hearts to you, for it’s you who goes before us, amongst the troubles, within the grief and brokenness of conflict.
We join our hearts to you, for it’s you who walks besides the widow, the orphan, the poor and hopeless.
We join our hearts to you, for it’s you who is beneath us, carrying the wounded, the homeless, the outcasts and the dying.
We join our hearts to you, for it’s you who reigns above, who sees the Earth filled with love and beauty, yet a world shrouded in darkness.
We join our hearts to you, for our prayers are yours, prayers for this land to be clothed in the saving grace which flows from Calvary.
We join our hearts to you, for we long to be your hands, your feet, your voice and your love to the world.
(a prayer of intercession from

A Prayer for Justice
Lord, may justice flow like a river
Reaching barren lands and sun scorched deserts
Where people feel forgotten and hopeless
Let your water of life
Comfort them
Where children lie abandoned or abused
Let your water of life
Protect them
Where communities suffer at the hands of prejudice
Let your water of life
Shield them
Lord, we ask for a mighty downpour from Heaven
May your sons and daughters hear your voice
May we live as you lead us to live
Go as you bid us to go
Serve as you inspire us to serve
Give as you teach us to give
Until the earth is covered with the glory of God
As the waters cover the sea
(a prayer for justice from
An inspiring reading of this popular prayer for peace:-
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.
Desmond Tutu (South African cleric and theologian)
Almighty and most merciful God,
we remember before you all poor and neglected persons whom it would be easy for us to forget:
the homeless and the destitute,
the old and the sick,
and all who have none to care for them.
Help us to heal those who are broken in body or spirit,
and to turn their sorrow into joy.
Grant this, Father, for the love of your Son, who for
our sake became poor,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Source: 1979 Book of Common Prayer, Protestant Episcopal Church in the USA)
Prayer for Peace
The popular prayer for world peace from the Vancover Assembly of the World Council of Churches:-
Lead me from despair to hope, from fear to trust;
Lead me from hate to love, from war to peace;
Let peace fill our heart, our world, our universe.