t Prayer to Get a Job You Applied For
lords prayer words - traditional and contemporary prayers

Prayer to get a job

This page has a number of useful prayers for those who have recently applied for a new work position, with a prayer to get a job that you applied for, an ancient prayer for success (the "Prayer of Jabez"), and a prayer for a job seeker. There is also a prayer for new work and an inspiring short video for those seeking a career change. May you know God's blessing on your life now as you pray and await the outcome of your interview.

Prayer to get a job you applied for

(a prayer for success after the application and interview)

Dear Father,

I would love this job, and I feel excited about this possible new adventure. Please bless my application, my interview and my hopes by your Spirit. I bring before you those who are deciding who gets this position and ask for your blessing upon their lives. Please give them great wisdom and understanding as they decide who should take this role. Father, I ask for your favour in this and your hand to be upon the process. May your peace reign in my heart as I await the outcome and may your anointing rest upon me as I look to bring your Kingdom through the work I do.

In Jesus name,


(a work prayer from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

The Prayer of Jabez

a printable version of this famous prayer for success:-
the prayer of jabez

Prayer for a Job Seeker

(a short prayer for those currently seeking new work)

Dear Lord,

Guide me as I search my heart for new vision. I am hoping for a new job, to find something that fits the skills, time and income that I need. I trust in your word of promise, I listen for your voice and I walk in your hope.


(a prayer for a job from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

Prayer for a New Job

An uplifting prayer for guidance and wisdom as you make decisions about your future career:-

Some beautiful words of Jesus:-

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 7:7-8, (NIV)

Prayer for a new job

Dear Father,

Thank you for the wonderful skills and gifts
You've so freely given me.
I surrender all I am to You.

Come guide my path as I look for new work.
May I always serve You and others
In the new adventures that await me.


(a short prayer for a new job from www.lords-prayer-words.com)

related reading: a prayer asking for God's favour in finding new work